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All our latest news will appear here - please check back often!
  • Postponement - Come & Sing October 12th
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 13 Sep 2024
    The Come and Sing Event scheduled for 12th October is postponed until 2025. Further details of the rearranged event will be provided asap.
  • Come & Sing - Faueré Requiem 12th November -UPDATE
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 19 Sep 2023
    Hi All

    Sorry the address to register for the Come and Sing was incorrect on the previous post. Please email A corrected poster is attached.

    Kind regards

  • Come & Sing - Faueré Requiem 12th November
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 19 Sep 2023
    Hi Everyone,

    As you know, we are staging a Come and Sing event on Sunday 12th November at St. Martin's Church, Stamford. As well as giving members another chance to perform a wonderful piece of music, we hope this event will encourage new members to join raise the profile of the choir.

    The day will consist of a rehearsal between 1pm and 3:30pm with a performance between 4pm and 5pm. Smart dress in muted colours is requested if you are participating in the performance. If you would like to sing you will need to register by emailing Jeremy at including your name and voice part. Please do this as soon as possible so that we can get an idea of how many singers we will have.

    Please also circulate details of the event to friends, family and anyone else you feel may be interested. Singers who are not members of Stamford Choral are welcome to participate but we do ask that they are relatively familiar with the work as rehearsal time on the day is limited.

    A poster is attached to this post for you to circulate and printed posters will be available at rehearsals. Please ask a committee member if you have any questions.

    All the best


  • AGM Notice
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 5 Apr 2023
    Stamford Choral Society

    Notice of Annual General Meeting
    Notice is given under Clause 7 of the constitution of Stamford Choral Society of an Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 25 April 2023 during the rehearsal scheduled for that date.
    As a registered charity, Stamford Choral Society is required to have a General Meeting every year to approve annual accounts and to elect members to serve as Trustees.
    Any member wishing to stand for election to the committee can obtain a nomination form from me.
    Further information will be released in due course and relevant papers published in the members’ section of the Society’s website. 
    Paul Herniman
  • Stamford Choral in the Rutland and Stamford Mercury
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 16 Feb 2022
    Stamford Choral in the Rutland and Stamford Mercury
    A wonderful interview with our Music Director Jeremy Jepson highlighting all the wonderful benefits of choral singing and in particular now as we come out of the restrictions of the past couple of years.  Stamford Choral is actively looking to build up its regular membership and so all enquiries are most welcome.
  • Programme for Spring 2022
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 22 Dec 2021
    We have plans for two events this Spring; a "Come and Sing" event on February 26th and a concert on March 26th. The come and Sing will consist of  "Choral Classics" along with some of the Beatles arrangements we worked on during lockdown. The concert will be performances of Vierne's "Messe Solenelle", Fauré's "Requiem" and Elgar's "Give Unto The Lord".

    Many of you will have copies of Fauré's Requiem but for those that need to buy a copy, you will need the SATB Novello version, editied by Desmond Ratcliffe. It is readily available online including here Musicroom and there are lots of second hand copies on ebay and Amazon. (Make sure you get the SATB version)

    We did provide copies of the Elgar in spring of this year so some of you will already have copies of that but I will be bringining booklets of that as well as the Vierne to the first rehearsal back on January 4th. I've also attached a copy of the Elgar to this post should you wish to have a look at it before then. We'll be providing booklets for the music that will be covered at the Come and Sing.

    It goes without saying that all of the above depends upon Covid progression over the winter. I hope that we can continue to meet at Barn Hill but if restrictions mean that this is not possible then we will revert to online rehearsals via Zoom. If that is the case, I will send out an email and post on the website, details of the link and times for rehearsals and how to get hold of scores. If we have to revert to Zoom for an extended period it may be that the dates of the Come and Sing and the concert get pushed back to allow us more time to prepare. I'm sorry that I can't be more certain than that but these are the times in which we live.
  • 26 October Rehearsal Cancelled
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 25 Oct 2021
    Just a quick reminder that the rehearsal for 26 October 2021 is not taking place due to half-term.  Many thanks.
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